Grant Money


The 2022-2023 NYS Capital Budget made available $85,000,000 for the purposes of creating and upgrading accessory dwelling units across New York State, as part of a five (5) year Housing Plan. The Plus One ADU Program is an initiative to create and improve Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) across the state. The Plus One ADU Program provides grants to units of local government and not-for-profit organizations that are committed to crafting community-specific programs for generating safe, quality ADUs. By working with units of local government and community development partners, Plus One ADU will provide a full-service program to support low- and middle-income single-family homeowner occupants who wish to build a new ADU on their property or improve an existing ADUs that needs to be brought into compliance with local and state code requirements. Depending on the property and what the locality permits, ADU’s may be small, stand-alone (detached) units on single-family lots, basement apartments, garage conversions, or other permitted units.

Eligible Applicants

Partnerships between a non-profit housing organization and a municipal or county government. Either the governmental or non-profit entity may serve in the role of the lead Applicant and the proposal should specify which entity is the lead.


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